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《名利場(chǎng)》首席攝影師Annie Leibovitz
The 2007 Hollywood PortfolioKillers Kill, Dead Men Die
《名利場(chǎng)》2007年3月特輯,攝影師Annie Leibovitz and Michael Roberts用這些照片create a film,電影的名字叫"Killers Kill, Dead Men Die"。一巨明星的尸體被發(fā)現(xiàn),從Helen Mirren到Forest Whitaker無(wú)不成為懷疑
Like any private eye worth his money clip, Oscar Slade (Bruce Willis) is not a talkative man, especially when hes in the company of his junior partner, Dan OBannion (Ben Affleck), and their young protégé, Jimmy (Tobey Maguire). But this night is different. Oscars got something on his mind.
THE CRIME SCENE.犯罪現(xiàn)場(chǎng)
On a hard bed of wet L.A. pavement, Oscar (Bruce Willis) has begun his eternal rest. Sweet dreams, detective. Someone has seen fit to tip off shutterbug Sam Brady (James McAvoy), formerly of The Sun, lately of Confidential. The doll with the .44 (Kirsten Dunst) appears to be none other than Laura Lydeker, an heiress whose father owns half the lemon trees in the state of California and whose mother owns the other half. Laura says she has no idea how she ended up here with a pistol in her hand. "Ive never been fond of guns," she tells the police. "They make an awful racket."
She also says shes not sure shes Laura Lydeker. It seems she has suffered a light blow to the skull. The only thing shes certain of is that she would like to slip into something nice and dry, preferably a martinigin, with a kiss of Benzedrine. Funny, though, the bullets in her pistol dont match the lead souvenirs in Oscars back.
There are three types of funerals: celebratory, sad, and sad-sack. This sparsely attended affair punctuating the life of a private dick must be filed under the last category. Tamiko Ohira (Rinko Kikuchi), "queenpin" of Japantowns numbers racket, is intent on making sure Oscar stays in the ground, while skid-row preacher Abelard (Bill Nighy), who engaged in petty heists with the deceased during their misspent youth, cant say he didnt see this coming. The guttersnipe orphan girl (Abigail Breslin) is the only one able to produce anything resembling real tears, but whats her angle? Just because shes a kid doesnt mean shes on the level. Mourning attire suits the lovely songbird Doa Perfecta (Penélope Cruz), but if thats how she dresses for a funeral, imagine what she puts on for the lte show (and peels off for the later show). OBannion (Ben Affleck) takes notice. Beautiful girls need protection in this town. And OBannions got a watchful eye
THE LADIES OF L.A.洛杉磯的女盥洗室
Socialite Eve Greeley-Waddington (Anjelica Huston) finds it amusing, but notsurprising, that the Lydeker name has arisen in connection with the murder of a low-life shamus. "Lemons grow on trees," she says, alluding to the Lydeker-family business. "Reputations, decidedly, do not." Estelle Willisford (Sharon Stone), of the department-store Willisfords, could not agree more, once shes through applying lip paint. And if Ethel Barringsley (Diane Lane) seems less than enthralled by the topic at hand, she probably has her reasonsand damned interesting ones, at that.
Detective James Archer (Alec Baldwin), of the L.A.P.D. homicide squad, hears out the soliloquy of surprise informant Muriel Slade (Jennifer Connelly), twin sister of the murdered man. Her story holds together very welltoo well, in fact. Beat cop Mack Shaughnessy (Aaron Eckhart) keeps a grip on his stick, just in case her tale starts making even more sense.
THE CLUB.夜總會(huì)
Who says money cant buy happiness? It had certainly better, especially when a cocktail in this establishment costs upwards of three clams. Torch singer June Holliday (Jennifer Hudson) warms up her pipes with "My Man (Is No Longer Around)" for a roomful of Toluca Lake swells (from left: Jessica Biel, Patrick Wilson, Kerry Washington, Adam Beach, Amy Adams, and Derek Luke), none of whom has a motive in the slaying of Oscar Slade, which is exactly what makes them suspicious. The only one seemingly not enjoying himself this evening is Confidential photographer Sam Brady (James McAvoy), but he revels in misery, which means hes content in his own way. Is that cigarette girl (Evan Rachel Wood) really a cigarette girl? Are her intentions as dark as those chocolates?
The Cuban (Pedro Almodóvar) runs a nice, clean club. He doesnt want any trouble. He may have heard things, though. What kinds of things? Just things, thats all. Things that make a man whisper "murder" in the night. His number-one songbird, Doa Perfecta (Penélope Cruz), wholl be closing tonights bill with her signature medleya rousing patriotic number, a love ballad, and a socko rumbaelaborates: She says she may or may not have heard that Oscar, on the night he was killed, had placed a certain bet on a certain prizefight. Beyond that, she knows nada. Except that the fight in question may or may not be taking place at the Forum this very night, and that School Boy Simmons may or may not be planning to taste the canvas in Round Four of his bout with Sugar Foot Robinson.
THE RING. 拳擊場(chǎng)
Champ turned trainer Mike "Tiny" Galento (Sylvester Stallone) has taught Sugar Foot Robinson (Djimon Hounsou) the true meaning of boxing: when they tell you to take out your opponent in the fourth, you take him out in the fourth, and you dont ask questionsgot it? Bootlegger turned trainer Magic Pete (Forest Whitaker) has similarly instructed his fighter, School Boy Simmons (Robert Downey Jr.), that the only sweet thing about "the sweet science" is the wad of bills they hand you during the post-fight rubdown. Tonights wad will be fat indeed. The lady in red (Jessica Biel) doesnt mind if you take a dive, so long as you can keep her neck in chinchilla. Private eye Jimmy (Tobey Maguire) has made the scene because he knows Oscar placed a not-so-friendly wager on tonights entertainment. He knows something else too: dead men dont collect their winnings.
THE SNOOP.探聽(tīng)
When a big-time gambler like Oscar Slade ends up dead (and therefore unable to pay off his racetrack debts), a big-time dealer in Thoroughbred flesh like James OHanlon (Peter OToole) gets suspicious. And when OHanlon gets suspicious, the first name that comes to his mind is Lydekera family known not only for its lemon trees, but also for its distressingly beautiful female scions. OHanlon trembles to think of what he might do if he were to get within striking distance of that kind of horse flesh. Oh yes, he knows a thing or two about breeding, he does … Luckily for Rebecca Lydeker (Naomi Watts), Lauras older sister, she developed an expertise in keeping herself hidden, at the girls boarding academy she attended not so long ago: Stay real quiet-like … and very still … Dont even breathe. (Is that the rustle of a skirt, or just the Santa Ana winds?) And once the prefect is gone, a girl is free to resume her nocturnal mischief without interruption.
Still, sneaking off to the clubs on Central Avenue to dig some junkie horn blower is one thing. Snooping around the OHanlon Stables … well, its no roll in the hay, even when it is. But if Rebecca cant find the thing shes looking forthe thing that holds the key to everythinganything could happen, and very well might!
Cue swirling, maddening violins. Tilda Lydeker (Helen Mirren), aunt to Laura and Rebecca Lydeker, paramour to three-fourths of Beverly Hills circa 1929, and the brains behind the citys third-largest citrus fortune, must drive, and she must drive fast. She knows just how lemonade is made in this town, and she knows Oscar learned the tricks of her trade all too well, and she knows how it all went sour. Oscar may have been just some low-life private dick, and he may have been too free with his fists, but sometimes a woman needs
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