- 購銷合同英文 推薦度:
- 英文購銷合同 推薦度:
- 英文勞務(wù)代理合同 推薦度:
- 相關(guān)推薦
英文合同 篇1
Party AEngaging Party:Address: rdTel: Fax:
Party B Engaged Party: The Universal Legal Corp.
Address:30Fl, The Youdianguangtong Bldg, 11 East Hubin Road, Xiamen, 361004, P.R.C. Tel: 86-592-2680710 Fax: 86-592-2680760
E-Mail: [email protected]
With the development of its business, Party A would like to invite Party B’s lawyer to assume the post of the former’s permanent Legal Counsel (“PLC”). Party A and Party B have entered into the following agreement (“Agreement”) to be observed by both contractual parties.
I. Party B accepts the invitation from Party A and designates Lawyer assumethe post of PLC of Party A. The term of validity of this engagement of PLC will be from
Upon request, the PLC shall furnish Party A with services as below:
* to attend / participate in / handle lawsuits & actions
- to deal with criminal cases, acting as the advocate or the agent / deputy
- to deal with civil and commercial cases, acting as the agent / deputy
a) cases of labor dispute
b) cases of economic dispute
c) maritime cases
d) other civil cases (matrimonial cases, case of succession, civil debt cases, etc.)
* to deal with cases of administrative proceedings / litigation, acting as the agent / deputy
- administrative cases of public security
- administrative cases of patent, trademark, copy right
- administrative cases of taxation
- other administrative cases ( industrial & commercial administrative, environmental protection,
administrative punishment cases, etc.)
* to handle extra-judicial legal affairs
- to provide legal consultancy or to give counsel, verbally or in writing
- to assume the post of Legal Adviser / Counsel, permanently or case by case
- to attend / participate in mediations, conciliations and arbitrations in all kinds of cases, acting as the deputy / agent
- to do market research / surveys and to provide credit investigation service
- to participate in the feasibility study of projects
- to draft / amend / modify / revise or examine / vet legal documents, such as economic contracts, agreements and constitutions, etc..
- to take part in negotiations and to issue lawyer’s letters
- to witness juristic acts
- to go through the legal procedures / formalities of ventures’ establishments, alterations or cancellations / nullifications and other related legal affairs
- to participate in liquidation affairs on the ventures’ dissolution or bankruptcy / insolvency
- to furnish agency for legal affairs on matters of insurance & taxation
- to provide legal service / assistance for bid invitations & tender offers of construction projects - to go through the formalities of Customs declarations or to apply for import /export licenses or
to participate in anti-dumping investigations
- to handle legal affairs in real estate transactions, including the legal affairs on the grant or transfer of land-use-right
- to go through the formalities / procedures in the matters of notarial acts or successions, transfers & trust of properties
- to furnish agency for the applications, registrations and filing of industrial property rights
- to deal with / handle the legal affairs on international loan / credit arrangements
& international contracts of tenancy, including the legal affairs on FX regulation
- to act as agent of ventures for their administrative appeals or mediations
- to undertake extra-judicial legal affairs authorized / entrusted by lawyers outside the country - to undertake other extra-judicial legal affairs
* The PLC is obliged to visit Party A’s office at least once a month. With respect to the
above-mentioned services, Party A may contact the PLC from time to time by telephone, fax or e-mail. In case Party A would like to meet with the PLC in person, an appointment should be made 24 hours prior to such meeting and such meeting generally shall be held at Party B’s office;
* The total length of working time of the fore-mentioned services (extra-judicial legal affairs only;
same hereinafter) shall be not more than hours. During the term of validity of this
engagement, any agency / advocacy in lawsuits or arbitrations by the PLC or any over-time service from the PLC should be initiated through Party A’s additional trust formalities to Party B and be charged favorably at 20% discount based on the state regulations governing counsel fee or Party B’s Charging Clauses & payment conditions, whichever is applicable.
Upon receipt of full cash payment or remittance of the PLC annual fee, Party B shall commence performing its duties & obligations under Article I of this Agreement. In case party A fails to pay or to pay the full amount, Party B is entitled to terminate the Agreement and correspondingly claim damages arising from Party A’s default.
The incidental expenses should be paid up together with the PLC annual fee, fromwhich the PLC shall take responsibility for surplus or deficit. The PLC is also entitled to request reimbursement with vouchers/invoices for out-city traveling expenses arising from the PLC’s handling of matters entrusted or engaged by Party A .
III. Party A is obliged to offer Party B true statements/descriptions of facts necessary for the PLC to
perform its contractual duties & obligations and to provide relevant documents, materials & other essential assistance upon Party B’s request. The legal liabilities incurred from Party A’s misrepresentations, falsifications or other negligent acts shall be undertaken by Party A itself. Party A is also obliged to indemnify Party B for the claims/damages/losses arising from Party A’s fore-mentioned negligent acts. In such a case, Party B is concurrently entitled to terminate the Agreement and the PLC annual fee paid under the Agreement by Party A shall not be reimbursed.
IV. The PLC is obliged to perform earnestly its duties & obligations within the scope of Party A’s
authorizations and state legal provisions. In case Party B terminates the Agreement without valid causes or Party A’s lawful rights/interests is prejudiced owing to the PLC’s negligent acts, the PLC annual fee shall be reimbursed in full to Party A.
V. Any transfer of or modification to the Agreement shall not be permitted without prior mutual written
consent between Party A and Party B.
VI. In case the term of validity of the engagement of PLC expires, the Agreement shall automatically
extend for another one-year term unless a written notification of termination is issued by either party and the PLC annual fee shall thereupon be increased by 5% while other clauses shall remain unchanged, and so on and so forth.
VII. The construe, interpretation & jurisdiction of the Agreement is subject to the law of the PRC. Any and
all dispute(s) in connection with or arising from the performance of the Agreement shall first be settled amicably through friendly consultations & negotiations between Party A and Party B. If this fails, the said dispute shall then be submitted to the Xiamen Arbitration Commission for a final finding.
Party A shall defray Party B a PLC annual fee of and incidental expenses of RMBfor telecommunications, mails, typing/duplicating of documents, city transportation, etc., totally
VIII. Other clauses:
IX. The Agreement shall be made in two originals and each Party holds one, which becomes effective
as from the date of signature.
Party A :
Date of Signature:
Party B : The Universal Legal corp. Account No.: 4100021419224845582 Bank Name:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Xiamen Branch, Wucun Sub-BranchBankAddress: 30th Fl.,The Youdianguangtong, Bldg,11East Hubin Road, Xiamen, 361004, P.R. China : Date of Signatur
英文合同 篇2
Property Sale and Purchase Contract
This Sale and Purchase Contract (the “Sale Contract” or this “Contract”) isentered into this ____ day of May, 20 :
The Seller:
Legal Representative: Wang Xialin
Passport No.:
Each of Seller and Buyer is individually referred to herein as a “Party” andcollectively referred to herein as the “Parties”。
WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of the property of 14D, Building 3, Park ViewTower; Seller desires to sell to Buyer, and Buyer desires to acquire fromSeller, the entire ownership of the property and its associated granted land useright (the “Property”, as defined more specifically in Article 2 of this SaleContract);
NOW, THEREFORE, after friendly negotiations and in consideration of theProperty and the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties hereby agree asfollows:
Article I Representations, Warranties and Covenants
1.1 Seller hereby represents and warrants that Seller is the duly registeredowner of the Property and possesses the complete beneficiary ownership rights tothe Property. The Property is free from any encumbrance, including but notlimited to mortgages and any other third party‘s interest and/or other debtdisputes.
1.2 Seller shall transfer the Property and its title deeds to Buyer inaccordance with the terms of this Contract.
Article II The Property
1.1 The Property is located at ___________________________________, Beijing.The Property Ownership Certificate No.: __________________, the Gross Floor Areaof the Property is ______________ square meters. The Land Use Right CertificateNo.: ________________, the Land Use Right Area is __________square meters withan expiration date of ___________.
Article III Purchase Price
Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller theProperty at an aggregate price of RMB ______________ (“Purchase Price”)
Article IV Payment Method and Title Transfer Procedure
1.1 Any payment of the Purchase Price under this Contract shall be made inRMB by Buyer in accordance with this Contract. Any bank fees or charges incurreddue to the payment should be borne by Buyer; any bank fees or charges incurreddue to the receipt of the payment imposed by the Seller‘s Bank should be borneby Seller. Seller’s designated Bank Account is described below:
Bank name:
Account name:
Account No: 204009978
1.2 Both Seller and Buyer appoint and fully authorize XXXX Law Firm (the“Lawyer”) to apply for the transfer of the title deeds of the Property and payrelevant taxes and fees and to take any other action and sign any documentnecessary to complete the above transfers promptly.
1.3 Within three (3) working days after the execution of this Contract, Buyershall pay to Seller, as an advance payment, fifty percent (50%) of the PurchasePrice, i.e. RMB ____________ (the “Advance Payment”)
1.4 Buyer shall pay, as the remaining payment, the other fifty percent (50%)of the Purchase Price, i.e. RMB ___________ (the “Remaining Payment”), byapplying for the second hand property mortgage loan from the Bank (the “Bank”)The Bank sould directly pay all mortgage loan to Seller‘s bank account asdescribed above.
1.4.1 Within ten (10) working days after the execution of this Contract,Buyer shall sign the mortgage loan agreement and other relevant documents withthe Bank, and get approval from the bank with respect to the mortgage loanapplication for the Remaining Payment. Buyer shall hand over the photocopies ofthe above-mentioned documents to the Lawyer.
1.4.2 Within ten (10) working days after the execution of this Contract, bothParties and the Bank shall sign a tri-party agreement (the “Tri-partyAgreement”) in which the Bank agrees to release the loan (equivalent to theRemaining Payment) to Seller‘s account directly. Buyer shall hand over thephotocopy of the Tri-party Agreement to the Lawyer.
1.4.3 After Seller confirms the receipt of the Advance Payment, and uponreceipt by the Lawyer of all of the documents and taxes and fees from bothParties as described in Article 6 and Article 7 of this Contract, and withinthree (3) working days after the documents mentioned in Article 4.4 above areprovided to the Lawyer, Lawyer shall submit the transfer application (with allnecessary supporting documents) of the Property Ownership Certificate to BeijingConstruction Committee Real Estate Exchange Center (the “Center”) Within three(3) working days after the transfer of the Property Ownership Certificate iscompleted, Lawyer shall submit the transfer application (with all necessarysupporting documents) of the Land Use Right Certificate to Beijing Land &Resource Bureau.
1.4.4 After the Property Ownership Certificate and the Land Use RightCertificate are transferred to Buyer, and after Lawyer receives all the originalcertificates, Lawyer shall provide to the Bank with these certificates inaccordance with the terms of the Tri-party Agreement. The bank, who will applyfor the mortgage registration of the Property, shall release the loan (RemainingPayment) directly to Seller once the mortgage registration is completed.
1.4.5 In case that the Bank has not approved the drawdown of the loan or theloan paid to Seller is less than the Remaining Payment within two (2) monthsafter Lawyer provides the Property Ownership Certificate and the Land Use RightCertificate to the Bank, Buyer agrees to make full payment of the RemainingPayment within five (5) working days after the above-mentioned two (2) monthsperiod expires.
Article V Taxes and fees
Except as otherwise provided therein, each Party shall be responsible for andshall pay all taxes and fees resulting from or payable in connection with thetransactions contemplated in this Contract as are imposed upon such Party by PRCLaw.
英文合同 篇3
甲方:Party A: 乙方:Party B:
合同編號: Contract No
簽約地點:Signed at:
Witnesses that the Party A for considerations hereinafter named, contracts and agrees with the Party B that Party A will, within_____ days, next following the date hereof, build and finish a Libarary Building for Party B. ( the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building.) The said building is of the following dimensions, with reinforced concrete, brick, stones and other materials, as are described in plans and specifications gereto annexed.
In consideration of the foregoing, Party B shall, for itself and its legal representatives, promise to pay Party A the sum of one million RMB yuan in manner as follows, to wit:
RMB_____at the beginning of the said work.
RMB_____on _____/ _____/_____( for example: 3/21/20xx)
RMB_____ on_____/ _____/_____
RMB_____ on_____/ _____/_____
RMB_____ on_____/ _____/_____
And the remaining sum will be paid upon the completion of the work.
It is further agreed that in order to be entitled to the said payments ( the first one excepted, which is otherwise secured ), Party A or its legal representatives shall, according to the architect's appraisement, have expended, in labor and material, the value of the payments already received by Party A, on the building, at the time of payment.
For failure to accomplish the faithful performance of the agreement aforesaid, the party so failing agrees to forfeit and pay to the other_____RMB yuan as fixed and settled damages, within one month form the time so failing.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of
甲方:Party A : 乙方:Party B: